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What's New

Virtual Reality Tour of St. Jude's Church
This Virtual Reality tour of St. Jude's church can be viewed on desktop and mobile devices, in 3D using Google Cardboard or similar devices, and on a Virtual Reality Headset for a truly immersive experience.

Suburb outline 1902Suffragettes and Suffragists
Hampstead Gardens Suburb was established at the same time as the women's suffrage movement was at its height.


Rural Suburb
Suburb Archives has a number of maps showing the names and boundaries of the fields that covered the estate before the Suburb was built.

 Suburb Domestic Architects Exhibition
This exhibition looks at fifteen architects who worked at Hampstead Garden Suburb between 1907 and 1939. It aims to highlight their work in the Suburb and elsewhere as well as place them and their buildings into a historical context.

St Jude's Spire, Weathervane and Time Capsules
In November 2015 Storm Barney raged over Hampstead Garden Suburb and caused the cock and fish weathervane to come tumbling down onto different parts of St Jude's roof. The following collection details the story of the time capsules and their contents, the weathervanes, documents of the campaign to raise funds for structural work on the steeple, and the skilled work involved by the construction team.

The Great Flood of 12th July 2021
At about four in the afternoon the heavens opened and in the space of just a couple of hours more rain fell than in a month.
This is a collection of videos, photographs and descriptions supplied by local residents.

Census 1911 Collection
One of the 1911 Census forms completed by Henry Walsingham of 19 Willifield Way as Head of the Household. This was the first time that householders completed their Census forms in their own handwriting.
World War II Collection
While we were all locked down and celebrations for the 75 th Anniversary of VE Day were a bit muted, our Virtual Museum was hard at work finishing off the brand-new WW2 Collection. It has been a great collaborative effort and our thanks go to all who have contributed. We are leaving our Personal Memories section open for further contributions. Please send them to info@hgsheritage.org.uk.
Conservation Area 50 Years
2017 marked the 50th anniversary of the initiation of designated conservation areas under Act of Parliament, and the 109th anniversary of Hampstead Garden Suburb.  The Suburb became a designated conservation area on 20th December 1968, and today is one of 17 designated conservation areas in the Borough of Barnet out of 1,000 in the whole of London and 10,000 in Britain.

Brookland Schools
The Virtual Museum’s ambition to include rooms featuring all the schools on the Suburb is nearing fruition, with the addition of Brookland Infant and Junior Schools. Brookland’s fascinating history began when the school opened for both Infants and some Junior classes on 9 September 1952.

Garden Suburb School

Garden Suburb School becomes the 27th local organisation to be added to the museum,  with an interesting collection of photographs dating from when the school opened on 3rd February 1913 through to the mid 1960's, histories of the school from different periods, and extracts from the school logs including from the day the WW1 Armistice was declared.
Henrietta Barnett School - Review of Archives
HGS Heritage decided to offer a summer internship to a Year 12 pupil at Henrietta Barnett School with a view to building a closer relationship with the school and also to explore the school archives. As a result, our intern has done just that and you can read extracts from the school magazine dating back to 1926, which reveal the political, social and cultural views of the young women of Hampstead Garden Suburb.
The Raymond Lowe Collection
A wonderful collection of Suburb postcards telling the story of the Suburb's development from its very beginnings with views of its buildings and street layout. It also traces the history of one particular extended family of early residents and their neighbours and friends, some of whose descendants still live here today.
Impressions of the Garden Suburb Hampstead, 1923-5 by William Isaac Aston (1857-1939)
This album of watercolours depicting a variety of Hampstead Garden Suburb scenes was painted between 1923 and 1925 by William Isaac Aston. The album was acquired by the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust from an art dealer in late 2012.
WW1 Armistice Collection
Commemorating the centenary of the end of World War One, the collection is a window on Hampstead Garden Suburb 1914-18, with fascinating pictures to illustrate this turbulent period in the Suburb’s early history.


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