Contact Details

Our contact Email address is :

We also work closely with The Hampstead Garden Suburb Archives Trust who are custodians of much of the physical material relating to the early days of the Suburb. They can be contacted at

We would love to hear from you:

Do you have past Suburb memorabilia at home?
The purpose of this virtual museum is to let people see artifacts and memorabilia that may otherwise lie hidden away, often in cupboards, drawers and attics. We can copy, scan and photograph items for inclusion in the museum, returning the originals to you. 

Do you represent a local organisation?
Many local organisations have collections of past documents, photographs and other items of interest, often tucked away in cupboards. Share your history with the world. Our volunteers can digitise items from your past for inclusion in the museum.

Are you moving from the Suburb or clearing a house?
HGS Heritage was founded from the realisation that many of the original artifacts and memorabilia associated with the Suburb were rapidly disappearing as houses changed hands and owners died or left the area. If you have material you no longer want our volunteers can digitise it to include in the museum before it is lost to the world.

Would you like to help?
We are a charity and rely on our team of volunteers. There are many areas you can help including:
  • Curating: Entering new submissions on Virtual Museum website – needs reasonable IT skills
  • Monitoring: Checking proposed new entries for inappropriate material, under our protocol
  • Infoline: Acknowledging incoming requests & directing to appropriate committee-member
  • PR: The public face of the Virtual Museum
  • Fund-raising and financial support: Fund-raising for the running costs of the Virtual Museum
Would you like to donate?
We are a charity and rely on donations. If you are able to make a one-off donation or contribute on a regular basis to help cover the running costs it would really help . We are in a race against time before many of the early artifacts and memorabilia are lost for ever.

And finally, if you spot any errors, have suggestions for enhancing the museum, have any questions or would just like to give us feedback we would be delighted to hear from you.

Contact Email address :