Suburb Domestic Architects

Exhibition of Suburb Domestic Architects


In September 2021 the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust and Suburb Archives debuted their exhibition Elements of Domestic Design: Building Hampstead Garden Suburb (1907-1939). The exhibition, which had been planned for May 2020, but was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, explored the varied domestic work of fifteen Suburb architects, from the earliest houses to the later inter-war development.


The display panels illustrated how house design was shaped by rapidly shifting cultural and economic circumstances, particularly after the First World War, and highlighted the architects’ contribution to the holistic townscape so integral to the Suburb even today - and ultimately inspired by its more well-known founders. The exhibition was on display at Fellowship House for one month, the first of its regular gallery displays once it had re-opened after lockdown, and it is presented online here in its entirety on the HGS Heritage Virtual Museum.

Follow this link for a description of the Elements of Domestic Design before returning to this page and exploring the individual architects.

Suburb Domestic Architects