Doris Mary Bartrum
Doris Mary Bartrum

Overview of Doris Mary Bartrum

She lived at 28 Asmuns Hill

The householder completed the form on behalf of himself and daughter, but gave only the name of his wife Doris Mary Bartrum and a visiting friend Alice Glover and the first name (Kate) of the household servant.  Someone, presumably Mrs Bartrum has written in large red writing:VOTELESS Women of Household only prevented by illness from evading census, therefore have refused to give information to occupier”. Presumably, this was intended to enable the women to protest without putting the householder at risk of being fined for non-completion.

Mary Bartrum appears in the suffragette arrest record for ‘Black Friday’ (18/11/1910). Black Friday was a major protest when there was a deputation to the House of Commons to see Prime Minister Asquith who had reneged on promise to grant women property owners over 30 the vote. It was called Black Friday because of instances of police brutality and sexual assaults both by passing men and police officers. Pictures of women being physically assaulted by police appeared on the front page of papers (despite government attempts to stop this).

Those arrested appeared at Bow Street Police Court on 19/11/1910, but the judge was informed by the prosecution that: “The position has since last evening been considered by the Secretary of State for Home Affairs, and Mr. Churchill has come to the conclusion that on this occasion no public advantage would be gained by proceeding with the prosecution”. Each of the women appeared in the dock but was individually dismissed.

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Document, SUFL02