David Shackleton
David Shackleton

Overview for David Shackleton

David Shackleton lived at 55 Rotherwick Road

David Shackleton was one of the first Labour MPs, elected to the House of Commons in 1902.. He was chosen to introduce the Conciliation Bill in 1910. He told a meeting of the WSPU in Sheffield that year that he considered it an honour to have been selected to introduce the Bill.

The Liberal Government elected in January 1910 was a minority one, which depended on the support of the 42 Labour MPs to govern. A Conciliation Committee was formed consisting of Liberal, Conservative, Labour and Irish Nationalist MPs who were in favour of some degree of women’s enfranchisement. The proposal (on the basis of property holdings and marital status) was more restricted than any of the women’s suffrage groups wanted but they were prepared to accept it as a first step. There was a two debate in July 1910 and it was carried by 109 votes and went to Committee for amendments. When Keir Hardie requested PM Asquith to allow time for the next stage, it was made clear the Prime Minister intended to shelve it.

Women regarded this as a betrayal. There was a WSPU march to Parliament on 18 November which ended controversially with numerous women being attacked violently by the police. There was adverse press coverage and the day became known as Black Friday. There were many arrests but the prosecutions were withdrawn is response to the outcry in response to the treatment of demonstrators.

Shackleton stood down as an MP soon afterwards and became a senior Civil Servant.

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Document, SUFL29