Draughtsman's scale and pair of ink compasses
Draughtsman's scale and pair of ink compasses
Draughtsman's scale and pair of ink compasses
Draughtsman's scale and pair of ink compasses

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Draughtsman's scales and ink compasses used by Raymond Unwin his entire working life

Physical Object, HGSAT177
Draughtsman's scale and pair of ink compasses
Related people/organisations
Henrietta Barnett cutting the first sod
The Hampstead Garden Suburb Archives Trust is a registered charity, known as Suburb Archives. It is responsible for ensuring that the archives of the suburb are properly cared for and are accessible to all.

Opening of First Room in Institute
Raymond Unwin was a prominent engineer, architect and town planner of the late 19th and early twentieth centuries. Henrietta Barnett asked him to help plan Hampstead Garden Suburb following his success in designing Letchworth.