Leila Seth

Leila Seth, 1930-2017

Lived at: 133 Willifield Way

Profession: Indian Judge

Professional Work:

  • Began to work in Kolkata, India as a stenographer

  • Became the first woman to top her London Bar Exam, 1958

  • Returned to India and joined the Patna High court; for the 10 years she worked there, clients would question her competence as a married woman

  • Despite the odds, she moved to Delhi High Court, 1972

  • Designated as a senior advocated by the Supreme Court, 1977

  • Became a Judge of the Delhi High Court, 1978

  • Became the first female Chief Justice, serving at Himachal Pradesh High Court, 1991

  • She was a part of the three-member Justice Verma Commission instituted after the 2012 Nirbhaya Gang Rape Case, a commission which worked to provide better protection for women

Leila Seth
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