Sir Ralph Richardson

Photograph copyright of the National Portrait Gallery NPG x166850

Sir Ralph Richardson, 1902-1983


Lived in: Bedegars Lea, Kenwood Close (see blue plaque)

Profession: Actor

About his life:
  • Debuted at St. Nicholas Hall in 1920 in Les Misérables; later moved on to prominent Shakespearean roles.
  • Joined the Old Vic in 1930; featuring in West End showcases such as J.B. Priestley’s Cornelius.
  • Films include  Fallen Idol (1948) and Richard III (1955); directed Murder on Monday (1952).
  • Knighted in 1947.
  • Part of a trinity of 20th century actors who dominated the British stage alongside John Gielgud and Lawrence Olivier.

Sir Ralph Richardson
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