Darrell Figgis

Darrell Figgis


Lived in: Dublin (birthplace), Hampstead (at 42 Asmuns Hill)


Profession: Activist and Politician


About his life:


  • Developed a love for Irish literature and culture during his years living in Hampstead.

  • Joined the Irish Volunteers, an Irish nationalist paramilitary organisation against British rule, in 1913.

  • Due to his involvement in the Easter Rising of 1916, Figgis had to “part ways” with the publishing house which represented his literary works.

  • Due to his support for the Anglo-Irish treaty, he was expelled from his political party, Sinn Féin - he was also later attacked by the IRA in 1922.

  • He later stood as an independent parliamentarian in independent Ireland.

  • Following the death of his lover, Rita North, in a failed medical operation, Figgis committed suicide on 26th October 1925.


Interesting Fact:


  • He lived in Kolkata, India, up to the age of ten during the British Raj.

Darrell Figgis
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