John Chapman

John Chapman, 1927-2001

Lived in: 48 Wildwood Road

Profession: Playwright and Actor

About his life:

  • Trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, with his acting debut in Enid Bagnold’s National Velvet in 1946.
  • His first play, Dry Rot (1954), in collaboration with Brian Rix, was staged 1,475 times.
  • Met his long-time writing partner, Ray Cooney, in 1956 – they went on to write Move Over Mrs. Markham (1969) and There Goes the Bride (1973).
  • Wrote for over 200 comedies in his career span, such as Fresh Fields (1984-6).
  • His plays have been performed internationally, in Paris, Madrid, Sydney, and New York.


John Chapman
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