Medal for HGS 21st Anniversary tennis open doubles, awarded to H.E. Wilson 1928
Medal for HGS 21st Anniversary tennis open doubles, awarded to H.E. Wilson 1928
Medal for HGS 21st Anniversary tennis open doubles, awarded to H.E. Wilson 1928

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Medal awarded to H.E.Wilson in 1928 for winning the Hampstead Gardeb Suburb 21st Anniversary Mens Open Doubles.

Physical Object, HGST55
Medal for HGS 21st Anniversary tennis open doubles, awarded to H.E. Wilson 1928
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Medal for HGS 21st Anniversary tennis open doubles, awarded to H.E. Wilson 1928
Series of events held in celebration for the 21st Anniversary of the Suburb.

Medal for HGS 21st Anniversary tennis open doubles, awarded to H.E. Wilson 1928
Series of events held in celebration for the 21st Anniversary of the Suburb.

Cricket on the Heath Extension
This collection aims to chronicle the sporting heritage of Hampstead Garden Suburb, including photos and documents. 
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Cricket on the Heath Extension
Series of eventsheld in celebration of the 21st Anniversary of the Suburb's creation, such as tennis tournaments.
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Medal awarded to Miss Batten Fray for 2nd place in the Illuminations competition as part of the 21st Anniversary of the Hampstead Garden Suburb

Medal awarded to J.R. Ellis for 3rd place in the Illuminations competition as part of the 21st Anniversary of the Hampstead Garden Suburb

Coming of age service, 1928
This was a joint service between St Judes and the Free Church, which was held to mark the 21st anniversary of the creation of the suburb which also happened to coincide with the 18th anniversary of the founding of the Free Church. 
It took place on Sunday June 24th 1928, the 21st Anniversary celebrations were also marked by sports tournaments amongst other events.