Dimitri Tiomkin

Dimitri Tiomkin


Lived in: Kremenchug (now in Ukraine), USA, Hampstead (at Hampstead Lane)


Profession: Film composer


About his life:


  • Born in Kremenchug within the Russian Empire, he was taught the piano by his mother Maria, a musician.

  • Educated at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory - following the Russian Revolution, he moved to Germany due to a lack of opportunities for classical music in the USSR.

  • Moved to the USA in 1925, where he initially worked as a concert pianist.

  • Later went on to compose film scores, such as for ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in 1933.

  • Many of his scores were for Western films, such as ‘Duel in the Sun’(1946), ‘The War Wagon’(1967), and many more.

  • Following the death of his wife, he moved to Hampstead, where he spent his final years.


Interesting Fact:

  • He was the first Russian to become a Hollywood composer.

Dimitri Tiomkin
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